The full script of the launch zone AMA

11 min readMay 6, 2021


Date : May 1, 2021

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Ok everybody !!! Let’s welcome ITAM’s team to our community


Hi everyone, I’m Dekam and I’m working as a business developer at ITAM. I’ll be answering your questions today.

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Welcome Mr Dekam to the group

First, can you tell me a liltle bit about yourself,please?


Sure thanks Patrick. As stated above, I am a business developer with ITAM. My main role is to map the next steps of ITAM and execute the new plan. ITAM is a cross chain marketplace project where you can trade all types of NFTs. Our goal is to make a unique platform where you’re free to trade any kind of NFTs from any mainnets, and where the ITAM token will be the currency bridging the various mainnets.

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Very interesting information:grin::grin::grin:

Ok. This AMA will have 2 Section. And 15 questions total

In Section 1 — You will answer 10 questions from us

Are you ready Mr Dekam?


Ready ;) I’ll answer the best I can

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Good to hear that. I believe that you can do the best :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Question 1 — Can you tell us what is ITAM ?


Haha I think I answered that in my presentation! But to be short, we are a cross-chain NFT trading platform. We want people to trade their NFTs across mainnets and want to make our token the bridge between them.

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

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Yeah That’s great

Question2 — How was the idea to create this project born? It is very interesting. What do you want to achieve? What are your expectations?


Hmm that’s a broad question. To answer that, I need to give some background of the project. We were created in 2018, as ITAM Games, and we wanted to become the forerunners of NFT Gaming. However, during the years, we have seen the NFT market exponentially expand across various artistic classes. Moreover, the BSC mainnet also has taken over the market. This is where we saw our opportunity: we didn’t need to limit ourselves to gaming. So we decided to expand our NFT trading platform to all classes, and create a bridge between ERC and BSC (and others to come!)

Question 3 — How users get benefits from investing in ITAM?


Well, the ITAM token is a core token of our system, and will be linked to the growth of the platform. We have 2 main platforms that are/will be generating fees: the bridge between ERC and BSC I mentioned above and the NFT trading platform. We will be swapping most of the fees generated by both platforms and burning them quarterly. So token holders will benefit from the growth of the platform!

Done :)

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin


Well, the ITAM token is a core token of our system, and will be linked to the growth of the platform. We have 2 main platforms t

Good to know that, and everyone in the group please take note of this

Question 4 — What’s your marketing strategy in the long run?


This is a very important question for us currently and I’m glad you asked that. You see, before our rebranding from ITAM Games to ITAM, we have suffered a bit of visibility issues. While we our proud of the tech (our devs are awesome), we want to make our product known better. This is why we are getting more and more active in the DeFi sector. With our various recent partnerships in the DeFi sector (including Launchzone) we want to put our project and token in front of the people, to make our project known.

So step 1 of the marketing plan: expanding our partnership with DeFi partners

Step 2 would be to invite well-known content providers to put their NFTs on our platform to trade. This is upcoming and we will reveal more details later.

We have more upcoming stuff but this is all I can say now:joy:


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

It’s really helpful

Next question — What makes $ITAM price?


Hmm… Interesting question. Well we could write whole research papers about what constitutes a tokens price. But I see ITAM as a bridge currency between mainnets. Right now it’s only BSC and ERC but we will be adding on cross-chain functionalities. What does it mean for pricing? It means that our platform has a lot of room to grow (the NFT market is just starting and will grow across all mainnets) and ITAM token, which is linked to the growth through the burn mechanism, will grow accordingly.


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Thanks for your important information !!!

Question 6 — What are ITAM short term goals


We have achieved a lot of our short term goals: we have partnered up with a lot of quality DeFi partners, listed ourselves on PCS and Cafe Swap to make ourselves known, and our token accessible to everyone. Now in the next couple of months we will be focusing on: Website renewal (to come this month), release of our new game Lime Odyssey in July. We will also be expanding our cross-platform reach and inviting NFT contents providers onto our platform. We will be busy!


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin


We have achieved a lot of our short term goals: we have partnered up with a lot of quality DeFi partners, listed ourselves on PC

Really wonderful. We all hope that what is coming soon will your project achieve the best results.

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Question 7 — Why do you choose BSC?


Because BSC is the rocket that will take us to the moon :blush:

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

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It’s an exciting project, and the NFT market is less developed than on ERC. We think that the market will exponentially evolve like it did on ERC

And also: Because Launchzone is on BSC :heart_eyes:


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

dekam: admin

Because BSC is the rocket that will take us to the moon :blush:

Totally agreed :heart::heart::heart:

Next question — The Community support is one most important to make biggest aspects of a project’s success. Most projects have programs that interact with their users. Does you have some any plans to attract and expand the community globally and improve the user experience?


Yes we do. We have been a Korea focused project for a while and we have been working on improving our international communication. We have been active on twitter, and we have a global telegram community. We have invited community managers to help us with this. We value communication and will try to stay transparent on all our process.

Please bear with us while we make the transition and activate this. But what I can say is that our Telegram group has been doing great since our community manager joined us!


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

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Question 9 — What were the biggest challenges building ITAM protocol?


The most challenging part is that as the middleware, we always need to provide a flexible and smooth connection between the blockchain and the contents (be it games or other contents). Giving this kind of flexibility is really challenging, but this is a challenge that our team really enjoy currently! Our tech will continue to improve thanks to our passionate devs.

Sorry I was taking inputs from our team!


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Glad to know that. You guys really have the potential to tackle challenges !!!

Last question of Section 1 — Can you tell us about your token specification?


Could you specify what you mean by “specification”?

Do you mean like the supply etc?


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Do you mean like the supply etc?

Excactly, Can you tell us about your token supply?



John SabalaSuka joined the group


So we have currently 650 million total supply circulating (total = circulating for now). We have the possibility to issue additional tokens up to 2.5 Bn tokens. However, in order to issue additional tokens, we need to go through a governance vote. And anyways if we were to issue additional ones, they would be used for burns.


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Great. So we have finished S1 with 10 questions posed and Mr. Dekam has successfully completed the answer.

Now we will move on to the section. This time I will unmute the group and everyone can ask any question related to the ITAM project. Each question selected will have a reward of $10

Mr. Dekam will choose 5 of them and answer it

Are you ready Mr Dekam?


Ok understood!


Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Random Questions

John SabalaSuka:

Are the team members enough qualified to drive this project for the long-term?

Defi Rino:

Can you tell me how to increase the competitiveness of NFT providers on your platform instead of another


What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

Reinhard Van Astrea:

What is the strategy used by Your Project to attract new users and investors and keep them in the long term?


How do you keep the ecosystem going in your project? and what are your plans for future innovations?

a lot of projects disappear in these difficult market conditions. How can you ensure the sustainability of your token what is the receipt of success?

What are the main targets, partnerships that trying to achieve in the near future? And do you already have collaborative connections with strategic partners in the crypto world?

Reinhard Van Astrea:

How is ITAM different from other Nft based projects, or what is the key points that’s make ITAM different from other gaming and Nft projects?


How strong is your team ? Many projects starts with good impression and later abandoned the project. What makes your project different than others?


IDO in 1 hour?


What is your top priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?Which part of the project are you most focused on right now?


What do you think about the boom of the NFT + DeFi association that is causing so much interest in the world? How does Your project take advantage of and exploit this reality?


Collaboration of blockchain platforms is always an investment point that attracts many investors’ attention. Then why did Launchzone sign a partnership with ITAM?

The governance system of blockchain platforms plays a very important role in connecting users organically. So what is the form of Launchzone’s governance system?

As the blockchain market is activated, various public chains such as Ethereum, Polka Dot, and Solana are being created and utilized. Is Launchzone developed based on BSC among many public chains in this environment?


> Defi Rino

> Can you tell me how to increase the competitiveness of NFT providers on your platform instead of another

We are quite confident on this one, we are having talks with content providing companies to be able to curate high quality contents for our trading platform. I cannot yet disclose names but we will be competitive.


Why did you rebrand to Launchzone when you were receiving attention from investors under the name BSCex?

Many investors in the blockchain market compare and choose fatigue or convenience depending on how they feel about the platform as individuals use the platform. Therefore, the UI and UX importance of the platform are also significant. Then what did you consider when developing Launchzone’s UI and UX?

Kwon Ji-Yong:

Is this platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

The Sower Bot:admin

:bangbang: Dear Kwon Ji-Yong :warning: crypto trading is risky and may not be suitable for all members of the public and all types of investors. DYOR :sos: and always be aware of scammers, we never DM you first.


Do not agree

Reinhard Van Astrea:

Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

— — — —


Can you tell me how to increase the competitiveness of NFT providers on your platform instead of another

We are quite confident on this one, we are having talks with content providing companies to be able to curate high quality contents for our trading platform. I cannot yet disclose names but we will be competitive.

— — —


How strong is your team ? Many projects starts with good impression and later abandoned the project. What makes your project di

I do agree with that. And rest assured, our team has been around since 2018. We have successfully completed our initial plan which was to create a NFT gaming platform. Our devs has proven capable of developing complex products, now we are just expanding from what was created.

— — —

Reinhard Van Astrea

Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on abou

Yes they do, actually, our company has currently less than 20% of the votes. To take an example, we talked about token supply increase earlier, that would not be possible if we didn’t have the holder’s support

— — —


What is your top priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?Which part of the project are you most foc

We are focusing on the website renewal and the launch of Lime Odyssey in July. We are also working in parallel on expanding mainnets and partnering with content providers.

— — — -

Kwon Ji-Yong

Is this platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

Our platform will be appealing to the general public, as we are a NFT trading platform. Normal people like anyone could mint NFTs from anywhere and trade them on our platform. We are really trying to stay as user friendly as possible to attract a diversified audience.

— — — -


What do you think about the boom of the NFT + DeFi association that is causing so much interest in the world? How does Your proj

This is really the core concept of our recent rebranding. NFT and DeFi have changed how crypto currency is seen by people and will be bringing in the general public into our market. We started as a NFT Gaming platform, and when we saw the boom of NFT and DeFi like you say, we had to expand our reach to other NFT classes. NFTs will be at the center of attention, and we want to seize the opportunity right now. Moreover, we have actively partnered with DeFi partners to make our token visible and accessible. I’m really glad you asked this!

— — —

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

That’s very wonderful

Our AMA session ended with lots of useful information from ITAM and Mr Dekam

You guys can join the ITAM group to be able to ask more questions and get more information about the project as well as investment decisions. Please join the group


Thanks a lot Patrick!

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Before I officially closed this AMA. Would you like to say something to the LaunchZone community? Please feel most comfortable Mr @dkame


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone and your interesting questions. It was really nice to exchange with you guys and present our project. I really think our partnership with Launchzone will bring out wonderful synergies for both our projects! Let’s strap on and go to the moon hand in hand :kissing_heart:

Patrick BM _LaunchZone:admin

Thank you for being here today for this AMA. It is an honor of the LaunchZone team as well as our LaunchZone community. Much appreciated for your time :heart::heart::heart:

BSC to the moon !!!

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BSC to the moon !!!




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